File Extension Database

Open SVE File

SVE files have a variety of uses, although they are all related to video games, for example:


The SVE format and extension file, in this application, is used to store the progress of a game called SimuTrans, a transport simulation game similar to SimCity.

The SVE file saves the current game in a file to be resumed at any later time and also lists the names, date and time of previous games.

This extension is directly related to Simutrans Saved Game, and as its name implies, this file belongs to the games category and was created by Simutrans Development Team.

Fallout 2

In this case, the SVE files are subtitles used by the post-apocalyptic role-playing video game Fallout 2.

The SVE file contains the data and text of the subtitles referenced by the game and also the time when they should be displayed during the appropriate frame of the video.

Carmageddon: TDR 2000

In this last section, the SVE format file is a game file created by Carmageddon: TDR 2000, which is a car racing game with a violent style.

The SVE format file saves the player's progress through missions and, similar to SimTrans, this file allows players to pick up where they left off.

The programs to work with SVE files, after checking the type of format, are the following:

How Can I Open SVE File on Windows

How Can I Open SVE File on Mac OS

How Can I Open SVE File on Android

If you downloaded a SVE file on Android device you can open it by following steps below:

How to Open SVE File on iPhone or iPad

To open SVE File on iOS device follow steps below:

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SVE file article translations

open sve fileopen sve fileopen sve fileopen sve fileopen sve fileopen sve fileopen sve fileopen sve file