File Extension Database

Open 7Z File

7Z file extension is used by 7-Zip files. These files contain archives or one or several other files that are compressed to conserve disk space. These stored files may also be pre-processed or encrypted.

You can open 7Z file with 7-Zip software or with any other popular unarchiver.

7Z files may employ one of the following compression algorithms:

  • DEFLATE is one of the most basic and widespread algorithms out there
  • PPMD is an improved version of PPM algorithm orignally developed in 1984
  • Bzip2 - Burrows-Wheeler algorithm that also employs Huffman coding. It is one of the most powerful compression algorithms to date
  • LZMA is a modified version of LZ77 (similar to DEFALTE) which employs entropy coding by Markov chains and Patricia trees

7-Zip may preprocess 32-bit x86 executable files with either BCJ or BCJ2 to achieve greater compression ratios.

7-Zip supports data encryption by 256-bit AES algorithm. The encryption key is also strengthened by applying SHA-256 hashing 262,144 times on the password. This makes all attempts to brute-force to the pass-phrase impossible on any modern hardware (as well as any hypothetical hardware that can be developed in the nearest future).

Typical 7Z application file locations:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe "%1"
  • "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" "%1"

Frequently used application names to open 7Z files:

  • WinRAR

Frequently associated Windows objects:

  • WinRAR

How Can I Open 7Z File on Windows

How Can I Open 7Z File on Mac OS

How Can I Open 7Z File on Android

If you downloaded a 7Z file on Android device you can open it by following steps below:

How to Open 7Z File on iPhone or iPad

To open 7Z File on iOS device follow steps below:

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7Z file article translations

open 7z fileopen 7z fileopen 7z fileopen 7z fileopen 7z fileopen 7z fileopen 7z fileopen 7z file