The .SO file extension stands for "Shared Object" and is commonly used in Unix-based operating systems like Linux. These files are similar to .DLL files (Dynamic-Link Libraries) in Windows. They contain functions and routines that can be loaded and executed by different programs and serve as a way to modularize code, share common routines among different programs, and save resources.
.SO files can be dynamically loaded and linked by a running process, or they can be loaded and linked at startup of the process. When a program uses a shared object, only one copy of the shared object file is kept in memory, regardless of the number of programs using it. This helps save memory and enhances the performance of the system.
During the process of software development, .SO files are often linked to the program at compile time using the gcc (GNU Compiler Collection) compiler or any other similar compiler.
.SO files can also be dynamically loaded in a running process using the dlopen() function, which is part of the POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) standard. This is a common way to use plugins or modules, where the code isn't necessarily known at the time the main program is compiled.
If you are interested in the contents of the .SO file, you can use tools such as nm, objdump, or readelf. These tools will allow you to inspect the symbols, sections, and other information about the shared object.
Understanding .SO files is crucial when developing or troubleshooting on Unix-based systems. Given their importance, they should be handled with care. Make sure not to remove or relocate shared objects that are used by system or application software, as this could cause those programs to malfunction. When writing software that uses shared objects, be mindful of compatibility and versioning issues, and always test thoroughly in the target environment.
If you downloaded a SO file on Android device you can open it by following steps below:
To open SO File on iOS device follow steps below:
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