The NM file extension has varied file formats and associated uses. Here, we discuss the possible formats and the appropriate ways to open and use the NM file.
Program Symbol Table File (NM)
The NM file extension is much associated with the Program Symbol Table File. The Unix System's nm command creates these files and they contain a list of symbols from object files. Symbols might be function names, variables, or other identifiers in application source code. Learn more about Unix System's nm command here.
Navicat Report View File (NM)
Another usage of the NM file extension is found in Navicat. Navicat, a database design and management tool, creates files with .NM file extension. These files contain report view formats. You can get help on how to open these files by visiting Navicat�s official website.
Scene Data Converter Normal Map (SDC-NM)
The .NM file extension is also related to the Scene Data Convertor (SDC). An .NM output file from SDC is a normal map. This is common in 3D programs. Scene Data Converter's official website provides detailed information about normal maps and how to open these files.
Nokia Phone Multimedia File (NM)
The .NM file extension is utilized by older Nokia phones. It represents a particular type of multimedia file called a "Nokia Multimedia" file. It can be opened using Nokia's multimedia player or can be converted to another format using a third-party converter. For more details, visit Nokia�s official website.
Nemo Output File (NM)
A .NM file can also be an output file from Nemo, a C++-based software for numerical simulations in network models. You can learn more about Nemo and how to use the .NM files at Nemo�s official website.
NM File Important Information
Remember, not all files with a .NM extension may be usable since they can be reserved for a specific software environment. A .NM file created in one software environment might not open or may not operate correctly in another. Always ensure to have the proper software environment when attempting to open any NM files.