GSX is a file extension associated with multiple programs and applications. As such, the format and ways to open or use these files can vary significantly depending on the program in question. In the following sections, we will discuss the various uses for GSX files and how they can be accessed.
GenStat Data Files
A GSX file may represent a GenStat spreadsheet file. GenStat is a comprehensive statistical system that enables data analysis and management. It's used widely across various research disciplines. In this case, to open a GSX file, you need to have the GenStat software installed in your system. Once installed, you simply have to navigate to the location of your GSX file and click to open it within GenStat.
Grapher Project Files
GSX files are also associated with the Grapher software developed by Golden Software. Grapher is a 2D and 3D graphing program used for creating professional graphs of all kinds. If your GSX file is a Grapher project, you can open it by running the Grapher software and selecting your file.
GameEx Saved Information Files
If you are dealing with video games, GSX files may also represent saved game information created by the GameEx application. GameEx is a software frontend providing a control centre for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games, and all command line game emulators. To access a GSX file utilised by this application, you will need the GameEx software.
GSX File Important Information
While GSX files can often be opened with the relevant software mentioned in this article, it's crucial to mention that not all files with a .gsx extension can be opened using these methods. If you're having trouble opening a GSX file, it may be due to the fact that the file is not associated with the applications mentioned above, or the file itself might be corrupted. In such cases, try using a universal file viewer like File Magic.