The AOM file extension is typically associated with Adobe Download Manager. This file format is used as a temporary data cache stored on users' PCs to support the downloading process of Adobe products. Additionally, AOM is also used as a file extension for After Effects Output Module settings files. In the article, we'll cover these possible formats and ways to open/use these types of AOM files.
The .AOM file used by Adobe After Effects is an Output Module settings file. You can find relevant details about this on the official Adobe website here. This file contains settings for rendering your project, such as the output format and compression options. You can access these files by navigating to the "Edit" menu, selecting "Templates" and then "Output Modules".
To open these files, you would need Adobe After Effects. The Output Module Settings window is where you customize how and where to render your compositions. You could adjust various settings, including your desired video codec, quality and size, audio settings, post-render actions, and more. Also, you can save output settings within After Effects for quick selection in the future.
In the context of the Adobe Download Manager, an AOM is a temporary data cache stored on the user's computer to process downloads of Adobe software�it�s not a file that users would typically open or use themselves. Instead, they�d rely on the Adobe Download Manager software itself, which should automatically handle and clear these files once the download process has concluded. You can find official information about Adobe Download Manager at Adobe's official site here.
In summary, bear in mind that although the two uses of the AOM file extension (Adobe Download Manager and Adobe After Effects Output Module) are technically different in nature and won�t even be noticed by most users, they are both associated with Adobe products. If you come across an AOM file that you cannot open, it's highly likely it's an Adobe-related file that requires Adobe software to handle correctly. Additional assistance can be found on either Adobe support community or via Adobe customer care as both sources are always ready to help in situations where Adobe AOM files are causing concern.
If you downloaded a AOM file on Android device you can open it by following steps below:
To open AOM File on iOS device follow steps below:
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