A 062 file extension is a binary file format that is typically used by a range of different software applications for storing temporary or work-in-progress files. It is rare to come across uses for such an extension on your everyday media, such as word processing documents, audio, video, or image files. However, certain specific applications may utilize such an extension. Herein, we discuss different formats and ways of dealing with 062 file extensions.
Traditionally Recognized Software Using 062 Extensions
One of the most common pieces of software to use a 062 file extension is NRG Symantec - an American cybersecurity software company. Their utility called Norton Speed Disk, a component of Norton Utilities, creates temporary files with a 062 extension during its defragmentation process. You don't typically need to manually open or modify these files. If you do, however, encounter an issue, you can directly contact Norton Support for assistance.
062 Files in 3D Printing
Some 3D printing software may also create .062 files. These are usually created as a work-in-progress file during the design or printing process. As with the aforementioned Norton Symantec files, it's rarely necessary to manually open these 062 files as the 3D software handles the reading and writing automatically. Ultimaker Cura, a free, open-source 3D printing application, is one tool known to use the 062 extension.
Open and Reading 062 Files
Due to the nature of these files being temporary or work-in-progress files used by specific applications, they cannot be opened by the usual universal file viewers or editors. Their data is designed to be read by the program that creates them. Therefore, for standard users, it isn't recommended to attempt opening or managing these files unless instructed by the creator's program's support channels.
062 File Important Information
While a 062 file may initially seem mysterious, knowing that it is typically a temporary or work-in-progress file utilized by specific software applications can help demystify it. Regular users will rarely, if ever, have to interact with such a file directly. Instead, the creating software will handle the file's creation, modification, and deletion as needed. Manual intervention should only be performed under guidance from the creating software's support channel. Therefore, while it's important to be aware of different file extensions and their associated applications, in the case of 062 files, leaving them to their associated programs is usually the best course of action.