CCIP file extensions are primarily associated with Crossword Compiler Indexed Puzzle files, used by the Crossword Compiler software. This particular extension is employed by puzzles that are set to be distributed on the web and includes a puzzle file (.puz) and a solution file (.sol). Alternatively, CCIP files may also be associated with CCIP (Customer Controlled IP Services) documentation, related to networking services.
Opening Crossword Compiler CCIP files requires the use of the specific Crossword Compiler software, which is designed for creating, solving, and distributing crossword puzzles. If you have a CCIP file on your system that is a crossword, it's likely that you'll require the Crossword Compiler to open it. It's worth noting that there is no standalone 'CCIP reader' - the CCIP file format is specifically designed to be opened within the full Crossword Compiler program.
CCIP files associated with Customer Controlled IP Services are significantly more technical than those used by the Crossword Compiler. They are typically used in a networking context, for example when configuring or troubleshooting a network or network equipment. While details on how to specifically open and use these CCIP files are scarce, Cisco is a common source for information on CCIP services. For further assistance, you might find it useful to visit the Cisco website.
Identifying how to open and use a CCIP file largely depends on where the file originated. If it is associated with a crossword puzzle, the Crossword Compiler is likely to be required. Alternatively, if the CCIP file is associated with networking services, you may need to consult with a network administrator or visit a specialized website such as Cisco. It's crucial to pay attention to the source of your CCIP file to ensure you're adopting the correct approach.
Typical CCIP application file locations:
- rundll32.exe dfshim.dll, ShOpenVerbExtension {39741990-6905-4e52-8499-b4e822956978} %1
Frequently associated Windows objects:
- CurseClient.InstallPackage
If you downloaded a CCIP file on Android device you can open it by following steps below:
To open CCIP File on iOS device follow steps below:
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